Why Schools are Joining
SchoolRaising makes it easy for schools to connect with local businesses to raise money through sponsorships. Businesses can sponsor specific schools, and the sponsorship fees go to each school.
When businesses sponsor a school, they get year-round recognition for their support - and schools & families support the businesses in return. Everyone wins!
The Problem SchoolRaising Solves - Fundraising is Challenging...
Traditional Fundraising Takes Too Much Time
SchoolRaising simplifies the fundraising process, with no major time commitments. It only takes a few minutes to sign-up for a FREE School account.
It Often Takes an Army of Volunteers
No volunteers are required with the SchoolRaising Platform.
It's Difficult to Connect with Local Businesses
With traditional fundraisers it's often difficult to reach out to local businesses to ask them to support your school for each fundraising event.
With SchoolRaising, the School maintains a connection with the business throughout the year - so there's no need to pester them to support each new fundraiser that comes along.
With traditional fundraisers, businesses often only get recognition for their support on the day of the fundraising event, so there is not as much motivation for them to sponsor schools. See a comparison of traditional fundraisers to SchoolRaising.
With SchoolRaising, they get year-round recognition for their support & are featured on the School Community Connections Page. Each school gets a FREE Community Connections Page - with links to their e-commerce sites, websites, social media sites, etc. See Example School Community Connections Page
Students & Families also get access to online deals/coupons & special offers from local businesses - through Business Community Connections pages.
Students & Families support the local businesses that support their school! Everyone wins!
Student Safety Concerns
Some fundraisers can expose students to serious safety concerns - like kids going door-to-door trying to sell items in neighborhoods.
With SchoolRaising all transactions are done online, so it eliminates this serious safety concern for students.
Plus ALL content on SchoolRaising is reviewed to ensure the content is appropriate, prior to going live - unlike other platforms or social media sites.
Schools Always Need More Money
Most traditional fundraisers are 1-time events. It never seems like enough money is raised - especially when you consider all of the effort it takes to coordinate and run the fundraisers.
That's why schools often have multiple fundraisers throughout the year & they still have a hard time raising enough money.
SchoolRaising provides year-round fundraising (365 days/year) - with opportunity to raise significantly more money than traditional fundraisers.
SchoolRaising can easily become your largest fundraising resource by far, if you take full advantage of the Platform.
Why Schools are Joining SchoolRaising...

Schools LOVE the SchoolRaising Platform...
- It's FREE for Schools
- 100% of the sponsorship money goes to the school
- Raise more $ with year-round fundraising (365 days/year)
- Eliminate the hassles of traditional school fundraisers
- No volunteers required
- No time commitments - sign-up in minutes & start raising money
- Safe for students - ALL content is reviewed before going live
- Easily connect with local businesses to raise money
- Get a Community Connections page to connect with the community
- Raise $ for clubs & teams too
- Auto-Pilot - Just sign-up & then continue to raise money for years
- Year-round fundraising helps improve budget forecasts
- Support your sponsors & the amount you raise will continue to grow
- SchoolRaising can easily become your most successful fundraiser
Solve Your Fundraising Needs - in 3 Easy Steps

Sign-up to Add Your School
Sign-up today to add your School to the SchoolRaising Platform. Raise money year-round by simply supporting local businesses that sponsor your school.
Connect with the Community
We'll create a FREE Community Connections page for your School - to allow you to easily connect with the community.
Sponsors are featured on your Community Connections page & recognized in many other ways (via school emails, social media shout-outs, at events, etc.).
Schools are encouraged to reach out to businesses that have participated in previous 1-time fundraisers & ask them to sign-up for the new membership-based sponsorships on SchoolRaising - providing year-round fundraising.
Raise Money Year-Round through Sponsorships
Students & families simply support the local businesses for sponsoring their school. The more you support them, the more money you can raise.
Everyone benefits from the continuous connection between schools and local businesses - with year-round fundraising for schools & increased loyalty & support for sponsors!
SchoolRaising is the Ultimate Fundraising Platform for Schools
It only takes a minute to sign-up to start raising money for your school - and it's FREE for Schools